Solidago gigantea is a perennial species with annual aboveground shoots and persistent belowground rhizomes native to North America. It can build up monoculture communities reducing plant and faunistic species richness. In Europe, S. gigantea is found mainly on forest edges and roadsides, railway embankments, abandoned fields and areas with an inappropriate land-use management.
Weber E (1998): The dynamics of plant invasions: a case study of three exotic goldenrod species (Solidago L.) in Europe. Journal of Biogeography 25, 147-154.
Moron D, Lenda M, Skórka P, Szentgyörgyi H, Settele J, Woyciechowski M (2009): Wild pollinator communities are negatively affected by invasion of alien goldenrods in grassland landscapes. Biological Conservation 142, 1322-1332.