Ambrosia artemisiifolia is a monoecious, wind-pollinated, annual herb native to North America and prefers warm areas and light, nutrient-rich open soils. It was introduced into Europe with seed imports from North America in the 19th century. The species causes substantial crop-yield losses and its highly allergenic pollen creates considerable public health problems (rhinitis, asthma). The species preferentially colonizes transportation corridors (road verges, medians of motorways).
Essl F., Dullinger S., Kleinbauer I. (2009): Changes in the spatio-temporal patterns and habitat preferences of Ambrosia artemisiifolia during its invasion of Austria. Preslia 81, 119–133.
Van Vliet A.J.H., Mulder S., Terhürne R.L., Bron W.A. (2009): Toekomstschets Ambrosia, Leerstoelgroep Milieusysteemanalyse, Wageningen Universiteit, Wageningen
Nehring S., Kowarik I., Rabitsch W., Essl F. (2013a): Naturschutzfachliche Invasivitätsbewertungen für in Deutschland wild lebende gebietsfremde Gefäßpflanzen. BfN-Skripten 352.
Rozman S., Strajnar S., Fajdiga, B. (2016): Invazivne rastl.ine v kmetijski krajini. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, 2016.