Control in Road
Project aims
About the Project
In this project, engineers and researchers, with expertise from different disciplines, formed a consortium aimed at developing and evaluating methods to prevent the spread of invasive alien plant species (IAPs) during road construction and maintenance.
IAPs are a threat to biodiversity, economy and health. Habitats related to roads play an important role in facilitating the establishment of IAPs by providing a suitable habitat as well as serving as corridors for their dispersal.
Read more about the project's background here or head to the research objectives here.

Stakeholder Meeting
- 28. November 2019, 09:00 to 17:30
- Hotel roomz, Paragonstr. 1, 1110 Vienna
- (registration closed)
- Link to the programme
Areas of Research
- Invasive alien plant species related to roads in Europe
- Evaluation of methods for vegetation management
- Best practice guide
- Cost-benefit analysis
ControlInroad is financed by the CEDR Transnational Road Research Program Call 2016 “Biodiversity - Conflicts along the Road: Invasive Species and Biodiversity” with funding provided by the road administration of Austria, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Slovenia. The programme is managed by the Rijkswaterstaat Water, Verkeer en Leefomgeving, Netherlands on behalf of CEDR. The Programme Executive Board (PEB) is chaired by Reinhard David, ASFiNAG, Austria.